UNESCO report estimates that one in ten girls in Sub-Saharan Africa misses school during their menstrual cycle. By some estimates, this equals as much as twenty percent of a given school year.

Hashini inspecting the panties

As a woman, having your menstruation may seem like a minor issue but for young women growing up in poverty in rural Africa, the very fact that they menstruate may be a heavy burden, preventing them from attending school and work. The main problem is that many do not have the necessary resources to buy pads.

Many girls start their menstruation uninformed, unprepared, and unsupported. Girls report hiding the onset of menses from others and missing school due to fear of a shameful menstrual leak. Many don’t understand why menstruation occurs, how it relates to fertility, and when to expect their monthly periods.

From 2017, the South African government started an initiative to distribute sanitary pads to schools to combat the problem of absent young women. Sadly, in many instances, these pads do not reach the learners and since these pads are single use, it becomes a monthly burden.

AVA’s project

Our goal is to distribute reusable pads and educate the young women about reproductive health, to enable them to reach their full potential.

  1. We are raising money to buy reusable pads for the young women and we have already distributed pads to 25 girls!
    A re-usable hygienic sanitary pads (Subz) manufactured in South Africa may offer a solution. These pads are 100% cotton and absorbable. The sanitary towels are fully washable therefore reusable. A packet of two panties with 6 pads can last for up to 3 years.
  2. Organizing reproductive health workshops.


The panties are made of 100 % cotton and are eco-friendly.

You can make a difference by donating to this project!